Crown Chakra
Sahasrara Chakra , The seventh Chakra, the Vertex centre
I trust my intuition and listen to the wisdom of the universe
What is crown chakra?
It is the place where we feel at home, From here we once started our journey into life, and to this place we will return at the end of our development. Here we live and experience unity with the primordial Divine principle of which we are all part. Our personal energy field becomes one with the universe.
The Chakra Handbook by Shall & Bodo J
Third Eye Chakra
Ajna Chakra , The sixth chakra, Command Chakra
I trust my intuition to guide me to making good decisions.
All that I seek I can find within me.
I flow with the universe and trust its guidance.
What is Third Eye Chakra?
It is the seat of our higher mental powers, our intellectual capacity to distinguish, our memory and our will. On the physical plane it is the highest centre of command for the central nervous system.
The Chakra Handbook by Shall & Bodo J
Throat Chakra
Vishuddha Chakra , The fifth Chakra, the communication center
My voice matters.
I am able to calmly and effectively speak myself.
I value the words of others.
What is throat Chakra?
Through the throat chakra we express everything alive within us - our laughing and crying, our feelings of love and happiness, anxiety and aggressiveness, our intentions and desires as well as our ideas, knowledge and perceptions of inner worlds.
The Chakra handbook by Shalia Sharamon and Bodo J. Baginski
Heart Chakra
Anahata Chakra, the fourth Chakra or the heart centre
My heart centre is open
I love unconditionally
I am love
What is Heart Chakra?
Once we have accepted that all our experience , wishes and emotions have a deeper sense, and that their purpose is to lead us back through different steps of learning to an all-embracing order, we find in the fourth chakra a loving acceptance that all feelings and expressions of life come from the longing for love and union with life, and that in the final analysis, they, too, are an expression of LOVE.
-’’The Chakra Handbook’’ by Shalila & Bodo J -
Solar Plexus Chakra
Manipura Chakra, The third Chakra or the Navel Center
I respect myself and others,
I am confident
I learn from everything.
What is solar plexus chakra?
The most important task of the third chakra consists of purifying the desires and wishes of the lower chakras, consciously controlling and using their creative energy and, finally , allowing the spiritual richness of the higher chakras to manifest in the material world as a means of achieving the greatest possible fulfilment on all levels of being.
-’’The Chakra Handbook’’ by Shalila & Bodo J -
What Sacral chakra is associated with…
Colour: Yellow to Golden
Aroma:Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot
Mantra: RAM
Gem stones
Tiger Eye for realisation
Amber for warmth
Citrine for Joy
Sun Stone for Strength
Yoga Pose for Solar Plexus Chakra
Instruction by Shiho
My Yoga Guru Shiho is now on journey to India to discover more deeper into her practice.
We will post this when she is back….
All my love to her journey !
Sacral Chakra
Svadhistana Chakra
Second chakra/Cross Center
I am open to touch & closeness
I respect and love my body
I give myself permission to enjoy
What is Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is often considered to be the real seat of Shakti, the ‘‘femaile’’ aspect of God in the form of creative energy. Its sphere of influence includes the male reproductive organs which carry within them the impulse to create new life, and in women the areas in which they receive creative impulses and generate new life, in the areas where the growing being is nourished, sheltered and provided with everything it needs for its development.
-’’The Chakra Handbook’’ by Shalila & Bodo J -
What Sacral chakra is associated with…
Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood
Libra/ Venus
Yoga Pose for Svadhisthana Sacral Chakra
-Veerasana ( Hero pose )-
Instruction by Shiho
Veerasana stabilise the energy flow to the reproductive organs and enables control of the sexual energy. The second chakra(svadhisthana chakra) is associated with sensuality and creativity.
✤Practice of a half hero’s pose ✤
Start with both legs extended
Learn your body to the right side
Bend the left knee and move the left foot back and place the sole of the foot down next to the left hip. Make sure the foot is placed straight. If you feel it’s too painful, place a block or cushions under your seat to elevate the hips
Bend right knee and place the right foot down next left knee
Place the right elbow on the right knee and the palm against the right cheek.
The left hand should be placed on the left knee.
Close the eyes and concentrate on the breath. Hold the position for a minute or two.
In our culture, we are so occupied in the area of second and third chakras ( Sex and Power ) -said Ram Dass. He said we find it is difficult to override these strong habits which seem to be reinforced by the vibration of the culture in which we live.
Full name of this asana is Mahaveerasana, Veerasana is abbreviation. Maha means great, veer means valiant or to display heroic power and the ability to subdue.Mahaveer is the name of Hanuman ( the monkey god ) who was the great hero of the Hindu pantheon, which indicates the benefits and purpose of this asana.
Sit in Veerasana and get the support of Hanuman to look deeply within how we held these habits in our culture and the ways to transform its energy.
Gem Stones that works with Sacral Chakra
Carnelian: Confidence, Sexuality
Tiger Eye : Creativity, Balance
SunStone: Strength
Citrine : Joy
( Rhodochroite): Growth
When the sacral chakra is functioning harmoniously….
We feel the flow of creative life energy streaming through your body, soul and mind.
-’’The Chakra Handbook’’ by Shalila & Bodo J -
From Yoga Life drawing workshop
We have started our Yoga Life Drawing workshop at Flowlines Studio, we are discovering our chakras through meditation and asana yoga then draw out our inspirations. We’ve done for Root & Sacral chakra last week.
This workshop is designed by Nicky Hartley and me and we are so lucky to have a support by Shiloh Creative Life Center
Root Chakra
the first and base chakra
I am grounded, I am safe and secure
What is root Chakra?
The root chakra connects us with the physical world, It transfers cosmic energies to the physical and earthly level and lets earthly energy stream into our subtle system.
- ‘‘ The Chakra handbook’’ by Shalila & Bodo J
What root chakra is associated with…
Red & Black colours
Earth element
Cedar and clove
When the root chakra is balanced, you feel connected and safe with your body and mind. Your life is sustained by an unshakable trust. Your connection to the earth also feels strong and you will be able to appreciate what the earth offers you.
Yoga pose for Muladhara Root Chakra
Tadasana or Samasthiti (Mountain Pose)
Tadasana (Mountain Pose) is a basic standing pose that supports the roots chakra as we plant our feet on the ground in order to stand firm and straight.
Tadasana , also called Samasthiti ( Equal Standing ), is a command attention, to stand in balanced stillness. It calls us back to our root which is always connected to centre of the earth.
Find this pose physically and mentally . It will lead to more healthy life. Tadasana is a deeply vital foundational poses for yogis.
Instruction by Shiho
Illustration by Nicky Hartley
Find out more about Shiho & Nicky
Gem Stones / Crystals for Muladhara Root Chakra
Gem Stones / crystals that have healing energy to support us to be more balanced and grounded are listed below…
You may keep them close to you whenever you like to feel more grounded.
Red Jasper
Black Tourmaline
Smoky Quartz
Black Onyx
Chakra Journal
It all begins with an idea.
✤What is Chakras?✤
Chakras are various focal energy points used in a variety of ancient meditation and yoga practices, collectively denominated as tantra(In Sanskrit, the term Tantra literally means “loom, warp, weave” but in the Indian tradition is regarded as “text, theory, system, method, instrument, technique or practice”.)
Tantrikas (tantric yogis) believed that most of the human suffering arises from the mistaken concept of separation and advocates instead the celebration of senses and mundane life.
When your chakras or focal centers are off balance or blocked, you may experience negative emotional or physical symptoms related to a particular chakra.
✤How we support chakras✤
In this CHAKRA JOURNAL, we would like to share some practice(poses) of yoga instructed by my dear friend and yoga teacher SHIHO and followed by her instructions, we have wonderful artist Nicky Hartley to inspire and heal us by her powerful therapeutic art works. and we would like to introduce some crystals that supports each chakras.
✤Shiho Tanaka ✤
Shiho began her yoga journey with her mother in Tokyo and has been a dedicated yoga practitioner for 20 years.
Following her move to New York, Shiho has been fortunate to practice under the great teachers of our time and learned various styles of Asana tradings, Vinyasana, Ashtanga, Hatha, and Jivamukti method, Pranayama and meditation techniques, Sanskrit scriptures and devotional practices. Her goal is to achieve an integrated understanding of life through authentic yogic practice.
Shiho’s class is challenging yet meticulously planned, and nurturing with a firm and guiding hand. She leads with careful attention to the details of alignment and utilising the connection between breath and movement. Her exceptional attention to her students’ condition makes every class magical and revitalising. Shiho has been offering twice weekly classes on zoom, as well as the private classes during the pandemic.
Shiho thanks to all her teachers and students for the endless inspiration and the desire to create an ever expanding depth in the practice.
✤Nicky Hartley✤
Nicky Hartley is inspired by the human form and the relationship to its internal and external environment. She also draws on colours and subject matter that stimulates a sense of well being. Nicky has initiated many artistic projects, gathering people from all walks of life, along with teaching nuns in Thailand, women in the remote African village of Weya in Zimbabwe, children in Romania, mothers, artists and therapists.
Nicky Hartley - Flowlines-