Time Machine-Part One-
-Collaboration work of journal book kit-
Part One : Working with Mettaville
We all have our time machines, don’t we? Those that take us back are memories…..And those that carry us forward, are dreams. -H.G. Wells, The Time Machine
So, it’s always started with a dream or an imagination, and sometimes I really dreamt that i lived in the old times where we used to hand craft everything, when time was slow and we all connected with nature in many ways. I’d like to keep those senses in my actual life, and maybe that is why a lot of my creations are inspired by the old way.
This project started when I was making medicine pouches out of fabrics that were hand dyed by my dear friend & Designer ✤Sensories✤( Please find more about her story in my current blog). I had some pieces that were just perfect to cover small sized books… then my the other friend’s face pops up in my mind. A friend who creates beautiful journals using old hand binding techniques. I wondered if she was interested in this project as it was a busy season (Just before Christmas ) for craft people and she is a popular seller on Felt.NZ, but I thought I’d just ask and see what she replies with.
We took our time with finishing this project, with no due dates or putting pressure on each other. We simply trusted and went with the flow.
Her works have the grace of love and peace, it reminds me to slow down and breath.The way that she prepares papers and binding it all together is very inspiring.
All papers were hand cut and hand dyed with tea one by one.
If you are interested in Mettaville’s works and journals, Please find out more at…
and this ✵Time Machine✵ projects’s story continue to part 2!
Check out my next blog… xx