Micro Macrame workshop
Offering a creative space that comes from Love and the soul
Our Micromacrame workshop offer every person to discover and enjoy their own special creativity and inspirations. We use beautiful crystals and gem stones as one of our materials, which have been discovered from nature and have powerful energy and message .
Our sessions usually start with a very short time of silence ( Like meditation ) which help us to settled down and relax, coming back to here and now. We found that starting with such a mind bring us more inspiration and ideas for own creations.
Hand crafting is healing therapy
I myself experienced that focusing on working by hand is actually very calming and relaxing once you get into a flowing state.It’s also good for our thinking mind which is on the left side of brain to rest bit as we use both of our hands to activate the right side of brain which is the imagination/creative mind.
Slow down and be patient
Another beauty of micromacrame works that I found is that we could learn to slow down and be patient. Just like other crafts, micromacrame techniques are simple but need to practice and patience to take as long as you need to create. If you feel frustrated, remember to breath, and to come back to be here now.
Make it stand out
Flowlines Studio
Our workshops are usually held at flow lines Studio in a beautiful Langholm forest. This studio is owned by the wonderful artist/Shiatsu practitioner Nicky Hartley.She also offers art workshops so if you are interested please find out more from the link below.
Nicky Hartley
Mobile workshops
I also do mobile workshop if you or your friend are happy to coordinate a venue( in Auckland), time and attendance ( usually up to four people in one group )
Please contact us for more info