Mala Beads
Malas add a new dimension to your mantra or meditation practice.
-Baba Ram Dass-
Making Malas
For me to design and make malas are healing and remind me to be in peace. As a creative artist, my mind is always busy with what to make next and how to promote them so I can continue to be able to create. But then sometimes this kind of thinking leads me into a desiring minds and that is not a very comfortable state to be in. I would like to be able to create my arts from a more deeper place where loving awareness exist. It is not easy and I am still far away from there which is why I practice Yoga Asana and meditation everyday.
A few of my friends asked me If I made malas, and I thought that it might be fun and could also use it to practice my meditation.This is how I started my mala creation journey.
When designing my malas I always start with setting an intention what kind of energy I would like a piece to represent to the parson who will be wearing and meditating with it. I then chose crystals and the colour of the string to go along with that intention. I also make a Micromacrame art with a Guru Bead to add a unique taste.
How to use our Mala beads in our practice
there are few ways of using mala in our meditation practice. I would like to introduce some simple steps here.
Find a comfortable space & position for you to sit and relax.
Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind.
Start with the bead next to the Guru bead.
in Hindu(Yoga) teaching you use the middle finger of your right hand, In Buddhist teaching you can also use your index finger to hang the bead on and place your thumb on top of the bead to gently feel it and bring towards you one by one.
Each bead counts as one repetition of the mantra
When you come to The guru bead , You don’t count it, and you don’t pass it, You stop there and bow to the Guru, flip the Mala around and start going back the other way……
Few Ideas for mantra
✤Om(AUM) : Primordial sound of universe. The sound of void.
✤Mani Mantra(Om Ma Ni Pe Me Hung) : Om-Purifies ego, Ma-Puriefies Jealousy , Ni-Puriefies Passion, by Hindu, Buddhism, Yoga meditation practice
Pe- Puriefies Ignorance , Me-Puriefies Poverty, Hung- Puriefies aggression by Tibetan Buddhism
✤ I am loving awareness : by baba Ramdass
Custom made Mala
I would Love to make your very special Mala.
Please contact me for more details
I would like to thank the local yoga studios for supporting me by displaying my malas.
Please check out their wonderfull classes and offerings! Their Link and contact is bellow….
Kanuka Yoga space
102C Hobsonville Road, Hobsonville, Auckland 0618
Phone: 027 6KANUKA
Yoga West
Find Us: Yoga West, Suite 12, 490 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi, Auckland 0604
Haidee: 021 635 962
(Emails are only checked every few days so for a faster response contact Haidee on 021 635 962)
I also would like to thank to my dear friends and inspiring yoga teachers for always supporting me.
They offer wonderfull teachings from many difference places, Please check them out too. ✤
Megan Blennerhasset
Dip Yoga, Cert. Ayur, Cert. Nutrition
Mobile :021 134 3161
Baba Shishi
She offers donation based Yoga class via Zoom. Details as bellow…
Wednesday 6:30 pm (US east)
Saturday 10:30 Am (US east)
Join via Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 2172813512
All class are donation based. Suggested donation is $10 USD via PayPal or Venmo@Shiho-Tanaka-1
Jo Heart Space
Rest Yoga Nidra Facilitator,Qoya movement teacher