Chakra Art
with Micro Macrame
Blog 6

I Love to practice Yoga and get inspiration from all kinds of poses with interesting names like “Mountain pose” , “tree pose” and “Lotus Pose”. Yoga also offers us a lot of advice to live in peace and to find a way to connect with our soul. It became one of my main philosophies when doing work with micro macrame creations as well.
If you ever study yoga you may be aware of Chakra “ centre of energy”. The word “ chakra” in Sanskrit means wheel (spinning energy). Our body has seven Chakras from the base of our spine(Root) to the top of our head(crown), each chakra has a unique meaning with their own vibration frequency, colours and symbols that they represent.
I was always curious about chakras and wanted to study bit more deeper about chakras in my own way, by creating chakra symbols with art.
The Root Chakra -Muladhara-
Tiger eye and red jasper for grounding. beautiful navy colour cord to represent strength.
The Root chakra is based on the earth element and if it is in good balance, we have strong connection to the earth and feel grounded. In yoga practice, I found that without a strong foundation in your body you will lose balance easily. I believe we can say something similar for mental balance.
The Sacral Chakra -Swadisthana-
Four ambers represents my four children inside a mother’s womb, which i created like a Mandala
The sacral chakra is located a few inches bellow the navel, at the centre of our lower belly and it represents relationships and creativity which gave me an inspiration of mother’s womb.
The solar plexus Chakra - Manipura
Tiger Eye to empower our will and yellow clear quartz to cleanse our ego. The solar plexus chakra is where we grow our personal power and express our will, but when it is not in good balance we could build up ego.I also added titanium quarts which represents Focus.
The Heart Chakra -Anahata-
beautiful green Turquoise to simply love, and clear quarts underneath to support us to have a clear mind to be open.
When I am taking a yoga poses like “camel Pose”,“Wild thing” or “wheel pose” I feel like it’s opening my heart. it is expending my chest to get more space to fill with light.
The throat Chakra -Vishudda-
My Yoga teacher gave me an advice about this one, she says this chakra is about expression and communicating with others and to be true to oneself. She also told me that a lot of people are feeling blocked on this chakra.
I chose Larimer to clear the way to be able to speak from our natural heart and soul.
Design is inspired by Symbol of Tao “Yin and Yang” it’s all needed to be in balance.
The third Eye Chakra - Ajna-
It is coming to very high states and honestly I have no idea how it is actually like to be balance in this chakra and next one! But I believe that everyone is longing to be free and in peace. and through our practice we might be able to open this third eye to see everything in totally difference way than what we see in our life.
The Crown Chakra -Sahasrara-
The crown chakra, when all the other chakras are in good balance, will finally be able to activate in good condition.
I wanted to create this one with the best I can offer at this stage and keep it tiny, as i believe it is more important to work on inside than just the outside.
I feel good that I created something with micro macrame to represent something that I really respect and believe in. I guess micro macrame techniques are just my tools to connect with nature, love and the soul and also to express these to the world.
We have been faced with very difficult times the last few years and a lots of things are confusing us, but I think the most important thing for all of us to do is simple, just be in peace and have compassion for others.
Finally I would like to thank to my Yoga teacher and old friend Shiho for giving me some advice with yoga & Chakra knowledge. Without her I probably wouldn’t have got so deep into Yoga practice.
Find out more about this amazing Yoga teacher and her offerings !
Shiso offers wonderfull donation based Yoga class via Zoom. Details as bellow…
Wednesday 6:30 pm (US east)
Saturday 10:30 Am (US east)
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Meeting ID: 2172813512
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